Home Uplift
A joint initiative between the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Nashville Electric Service (NES), the Home Uplift program provides energy efficiency and weatherization home upgrades to qualified, limited-income families who cannot afford renovations on their own, saving them energy and utility costs and improving their overall quality of life.

Upgrading Homes, Improving Lives
Residents in the Southeast face historically high rates of poverty, and low-income families often live in homes that are inefficient, uncomfortable and, in many cases, unhealthy for occupants. Despite TVA's low residential energy rates ranking in the top quartile nationally, disproportionately high electricity usage represents an even greater burden to low-income families who spend more of their resources on electricity. By providing energy efficiency and weatherization improvements through Home Uplift, we not only reduce energy costs for our neighbors in need, but the upgrades have also been proven to enhance their indoor air quality, health, comfort and safety.
Teaming Up with TVA
TVA has contributed million dollars in funding to Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (EPB), Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB), Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) and Nashville Electric Service (NES) to seed their Home Uplift Programs.
During 2023 alone, the Office of Energy Programs and the above local power companies were in the progress of completing 1,200 Home Uplifts. An average of $9,444 is invested in each home through energy efficient improvements and uplifted customers save an average of 3,525 kilowatt hours per year.
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Explore our community events calendar to learn more about ongoing application assistance workshops.
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See If You Qualify
Before submitting an application, use the following requirements to determine if you could be eligible. To apply, you must:
Be the primary NES account holder
The account must be linked to a residence that has not received TVA-funded upgrades in the last 20 years.
Meet the income guidelines
Eligibility is based on the total combined income for all household members over the age of 18 living at the home.
Own and occupy a single-family site-built or manufactured home
Manufactured homes must be built after 1976 and on a permanent foundation.
Participate in a home energy evaluation
A professional will advise whether your home needs upgrades and, if so, which will save you the most energy and money.
Apply for Home Uplift
Frequently Asked Questions
Home Uplift addresses the significant energy efficiency and weatherization needs for low-income households in Tennessee and across the Tennessee Valley.