Streetlights across the city of Nashville are getting a makeover as NES, The Mayor’s Office and the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) continue to upgrade streetlights to new LED fixtures.
The Nashville Streetlight Retrofit Project is ahead of schedule with nearly 23,000 streetlights already converted to energy-efficient LEDs – quickly approaching its goal of replacing 55,000 lights throughout Nashville. The LED streetlights operate at a fraction of the energy costs required to power Nashville’s decades-old high-pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights. The LED streetlights will have smart photocells that allow real-time identification of streetlight outages and greater control of lighting levels on public rights of way.
The new fixtures boast a lifespan exceeding 20 years – a marked improvement over the 5-year lifespan of the old HPS fixtures. Through December 2024 alone, new LED installations conserved about 900,000 kWh of energy and saved more than $70,000 in overall energy costs. Once the overhaul is complete, upgrades will reduce energy consumption, save energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The project’s focus is community safety and reliable lighting, and provides a more efficient and sustainable means of street lighting while improving streetscape aesthetics for Nashvillians. Check out this interactive map for a closer look at the progress that has been made across the city. For more information on the project, visit